Troop 130 and Forks of the Wabash
From rock climbing to camping in an underground cave, from sailing boats to soaring through the sky, Boy Scout Troop 130--centered in Huntington and sponsored by Life Church--does it all! This group of young men aged 11-17 maintains a long tradition of excellence in providing opportunities for adventure, developing leadership skills, and building lifelong friendships.
The Haunted Canal is our latest venture, and we are committed to “doing it right!” With almost 20 years of experience assisting other troops in their Halloween haunts, we decided it was time to bring out shivery, scary knowledge home to Huntington. The trail will be scary; it is recommended for ages 8 and up. Incorporating audio equipment, fog machines, strategic lighting, and numerous other surprises, the Canal is certain to become a favorite fall tradition!
Want to learn more about Boy Scout Troop 130?
Each year the group takes a high adventure trip. In June 2015, the troop spent a week camping in Virginia and visiting Washington, D.C. Among the highlights of the trip was laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Scouts also toured national monuments, several museums, and toured the Capitol.
Just a month later, Troop 130 traveled to the opposite coast. Two 15-passenger vans loaded with young men, backpacks, and gear set off for California and Sequoia National Park. The 10-day trip included extensive hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail, gaining over 12,000 feet elevation. To get a sense of the magnitude of this accomplishment, 3,000 feet is approximately the equivalent of climbing the stairs of a 300-story building!
With a dedicated, skilled team of adult leaders, amazing dreams such as these continually become reality. In the past 3 years alone, the troop has had many such adventures. Group members earned the coveted 50 Miler patch after canoeing from Lake Michigan to Lake Huron. They also completed a 50-mile bike trip after building endurance over several months on a series of short rides. Scouts have great memories of hiking to alpine lakes and close encounters with moose in the Rocky Mountains. A ferry delivered the Troop to Isle Royale National Park for a week on the island hiking, observing wildlife, and meeting with researchers.
But the fun is year-round. When scouts learned about flight, a lucky few actually got to fly planes at Smith Field in Fort Wayne. They have game nights and play laser tag. The troop has sponsored ski trips and kayak trips. They camp regularly--locally, at various state parks, and with other troops at Camporees. The Scouts eagerly anticipate traditions such as “Eat for the Cycle,” being named a “Paddle Boss,” and the annual white elephant gift exchange.
Troop 130 helps scouts learn practical skills and develop a passion for community service. The troop has volunteered at events ranging from 5Ks and the Renaissance Faire to Splash on the Wabash and community July fourth celebrations. Community projects have impacted Huntington County in many ways. Scouts painted the chainlink fence at the Mount Etna cemetery. The boys installed a flagpole at Riverview Middle School and built picnic tables and constructed landscaping surrounds to refurbish the Forks of the Wabash. They learned to pour cement when putting a floor in the soccer dugout at Huntington North High School. Currently, the troop is constructing a public campsite on Ehler Island on the Wabash River.
For more information about joining Troop 130, please contact Jeff Follis @ jeff.follis@promachbuilt.com