Jennifers Closet was opened in May 2005 at the OReillys property to supply clothing, shoes, coats, socks and baby items to families in need. Jennifer's Closet is now located on the property of Markle Church of Christ. It offers clothing sizes infant thru high school age. Families are eligible primarily by referral to come and receive these free items.
Donations for Jennifers Closet may be left in the drop box in front of Jennifers Closet located at 455 E. Morse St. in the ministry building beside Markle Church of Christ. Gently used and new clothing, shoes, coats and new underwear and socks are always needed.
Jennifer's Closet
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)